Home —Topia Part 2
6. – 21. Feb 2021
Zorka Lednárová, Katarína Hrušková,
Petra Debnárová, Julia Gryboś + Barbora Zentková
Raum für Drastische Maßnahmen

The aim of the exhibitiing project is to stimulate a dialogue on the perception of one’s own cultural identity and ties to one’s first territory between the five artists from Central and Eastern Europe currently living and working in Berlin. Home – Topia seeks to confront different perspectives and reflect on life between two countries and different meaning of the notion of home. Can a home really be a physical space? What do our roots mean to us? Do we understand each other better if our cultures and mother tongues are similar? Following the dialogue between artists Zorka Lednárová, Petra Debnárová, Katarína Hrušková, the artistic duo Júlia Gryboś + Barbora Zentková and the curator Barbora Demovičová, new works of art are being created. Artists, using different media and techniques, are expressing their perception of sense of belonging in the exhibition, which will take place in the gallery Raum für Drastische Maßnahmen in Berlin-Friedrichshain.

Home —Topia Part 1
11. – 21. June 2020
Barbora Demovičová
Raum für Drastische Maßnahmen

Home —Topia Part 1 took place in Berlin gallery Raum für drastische Maßnahmen in June 2020. Home—Topia Part 1 was an interactive video installation placed in the gallery windows. One screen was playing a narrative video, focusing on the notion of home and subjective experience of life between cultures. Second screen was connected to the camera, recording the visitors, mapping their faces and overlaying them with series of new identities

Concept and Execution: Barbora Demovičová
Curating and Production: Raum für drastische Maßnahmen
(Daniel Franz) 
Exhibition Design:
Studio Malta
(Marta Toscano and Aaron Schirrmann)
Technical support: Jonathan Auch
Typeface in use: Victor Serif by Kometa
Language editor: Šimon Betina